Party in My Plants by Talia Pollock
You’ve bookmarked more recipes than you could make in a lifetime. Your shelves are overflowing with cookbooks. Your pantry has some superfoods, but they’ve become super stale and super dusty. In short, you still can’t get yourself to eat right on a regular basis. And you’re wondering, “What am I doing wrong?”
Health and empowerment coach Talia Pollock is here to share some good news: nothing is wrong with you. You don’t have a willpower deficiency. You won’t benefit from another minute on Pinterest. And you don’t really need a new blender. Healthy eating doesn’t require suffering. Or a meal plan. Or ashwaganda (unless you’re into that).
Talia just wants you to eat well most of the time, so you can feel and look your best most of the time. Because isn’t that the point? Aren’t we promised that, at the end of the apple-to-zucchini rainbow, there will be greater health, smaller pants, clearer skin, and boundless energy? With her accessible and amusing approach, Pollock will show you how—and it all comes down to eating more plants.